Strategic Security

Businesses must protect their assets, employees, customers and shareholders from an rapidly-changing threat-matrix, encompassing workplace violence, cyber crimes, natural disasters or terrorism.

Security processes must be interwoven into businesses continuity creating a
culture that reflects the very health, vitality and integrity of a business.

OZUS using the NSA methodolgies works with our client as a partner to develop security solutions that are
far more in depth than a security audit. We are not in the business of finger-pointing which has an adversarial nature.
Most audits only show what is wrong, when was the last time an auditor said what your company did right.
In order for an auditing company to keep coming back to your business they need to show your short comings to prove their value.
We have learned, over the years, the asset of your employees having a greater understanding of where
vulnerabilities lie in the environment, and to let them express their concerns and solutions to help remediate. The best security
is when everyone is on the team to protect the business, without fear of embarrassment or losing their jobs.


Baseline Methodologies

    National Security Agency’s Information Security Assessment Methodology.
    National Security Agency’s Information Security Evaluation Methodology.
    • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
      • Special Publications 500/800


    • Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).
    ITIL business processes and governance standards.